Language solutions for diverse business needs.

  • Translation — Unlock Global Opportunities

Translation is converting written text from one language to another while ensuring accuracy, clarity, and cultural sensitivity.

The main goal is preserving your message’s original meaning and intent in the resulting text.

I translate from Spanish to English, and from English to Spanish.

The resulting texts are subject to revision and proofreading to achieve the highest quality standards. 

  • Revision — Elevate your translations to perfection

Revision is evaluating the accuracy of a translation. The original text in another language is always available for consultation.

I strive for consistency throughout the text, making any changes where and if appropriate.

Note: I often get machine-translated texts to review. However, machine translation doesn’t make my job easier considering the resulting texts are usually so skewed it’s faster to start from scratch

  • Proofreading — Double-check for success

Proofreading can be defined as a “light” revision because it generally happens after it. The original text in another language is also available for consultation, making sure there are no changes in meaning when doing corrections. Trust me, a single comma can change the entire message’s original intent.

In other words, proofreading is about the final touches of the translated text: from checking spelling, punctuation, and grammar to enhancing clarity, coherence, and readability.

  • Monolingual Revision — Refine the effectiveness of your content 

As the name suggests, it’s a revision in a single language, either Spanish or English. Monolingual revision includes assessing the text’s clarity and coherence while enhancing style and tone.

It can be either a simple revision, skimming the text for any punctuation, spelling, and grammar mistakes, or a thorough revision, dealing with the nitty-gritty and overall effectiveness. It’s your call.

  • Transcription — Make your content more accessible

When it comes to online comms, accessibility to information is of utmost importance.

You can strengthen your company’s internal relationships or reach broader audiences by creating captioned meetings or webinars.

Unlike many AI tools, I can decipher diverse English speakers—such as German speakers of English—whose pronunciation may deviate from the typical US/UK varieties.

  • Localization — Speak your reader’s language

By adapting your content for Latin American and Argentine audiences, I help you effectively engage with diverse markets.

Factors like cultural sensitivities, idiomatic expressions, and visual elements come into play.

Whether it's localizing marketing materials, software interfaces, or multimedia content, I strive to bridge the gap between languages and cultures

  • Language Consulting — Get expert advice

Are you doing business abroad, and language is getting over your head? Need advice on terminology for marketing your product or service?

Get support from a language expert to address your global audiences effectively, whether to draft a speech for virtual meetings, write business emails, or prepare presentations.

Contact me today to schedule your consultation call and take the first step to tackle your language challenges!

  • Language Proficiency Testing — Hire the right candidate

Learn if your candidate has sufficient command of English or Spanish to interact with international customers and teams effectively.

During a 30-minute interview, I test candidates on their ability to speak and understand these languages when spoken.

I can also evaluate specific areas of interest or expertise. I’m open to discussing group rates.

  • Success Stories

  • Corporate News

  • Employee Agreements

  • Codes of Conduct

  • Terms of Service

  • Websites

  • Advertising and Marketing Materials

  • Technical Documentation

  • Brochure and Catalogs

  • White Papers

Types of business documents I work with:

  • Order Forms

  • Business Proposals

  • Business E-mails

  • Business Presentations

  • Non-Disclosure Agreements

  • To give you an estimate, the minimum fee set by the AATI for translation is US$0.12 per word. You should keep it in mind for two reasons:

    1) Significantly lower rates may indicate you won’t receive a text that does credit to your company.

    2) If you can’t afford the minimum fee, perhaps your business is not ready for the international market yet.

    Translation services are usually priced on a per-word or per-character basis. However, certain words or passages can take longer than others to translate. For this reason, I offer hourly and project-based rates.

    Let’s discuss your needs, and we’ll talk numbers.

  • Translation is rewriting your text in another language. If writing the original took one month, you shouldn’t expect to have it translated in one day.

    Depending on the text's complexity, I can translate 150-500 words in an hour. To put this into perspective, a 12,000-word document translation usually takes me 5-7 days.

    Urgent projects (due in 48-72 hours) will be subject to the payment of an extra fee and my availability.

  • In writing, tone refers to how your text will sound to readers, for example, formal or casual, funny or serious. Generally, an informal tone is used for creative writing while a formal tone is used for B2B communications.

    Style is the writer’s choice of words, phrasing, tone, and sentence length. It guides your audience toward a desired interpretation or personality. Usually, companies create style guides to ensure consistency throughout their content.

    Linguists need to know what your text is for (e.g., to inform, persuade, or describe a product) and where it will appear to create content with maximum impact for that particular audience.

  • No, I don’t. In Argentina, you need a sworn translator (in Spanish, traductor público) for legal and official documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, or academic transcripts.

    As established by law, sworn translators register with the relevant association and get their signatures duly registered. This way they can sign and seal a translation, certifying it can be trusted for legal and official purposes. You can visit the Buenos Aires Translators Association’s website to learn more.

  • Yes, I use Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools.

    CAT tools are software that helps human translators be faster and more efficient by automating tasks during the translation process. These software tools split the document to be translated into sentences or paragraphs (segments). The resulting translations are then stored in a database (translation memory), helping the linguist save time, and thus ensuring consistency throughout the document.

    I’ve invested in a professional license for Wordscope to boost productivity and protect your confidentiality. I’m also experienced in MemoQ, Phrase, and Trados.

  • My preferred CAT tool (Wordscope) exclusively uses paid professional versions of top-notch tools like DeepL, ChatGPT, and Google Translate. As a result, user data remains strictly confidential and isn't used to enhance or train these tools (unlike free versions). Additionally, Wordscope sends only small text segments or questions from multiple users simultaneously, receiving a mix of information that is nearly impossible to reconstruct.

  • There are many ways a project can go off track: unrealistic deadlines, the linguist not asking the right questions, misuse of machine translation, no involvement from the client side, and the list can go on.

    If you don’t invest time briefing the professional who will take your project on, there is little chance you will get what you need. Linguists must fully understand your text before creating a new one in another language. So be ready to answer questions along the way.


Not sure what service is right for your business?

Contact me, and we’ll discuss your needs!